Grace 21st May 2016

You were a very good person with a very big heart, always ready to give a helping hand to whoever needed help. You gave your best for the Union. You and I shared an office for so many years and together with Phil and Arthur plus Colin, Charlie, Steve & Den and all the other service providers, we worked hard in the M & C dept for the Union. I remember on occasions when we had to stay late in the office because we had deadlines to meet. You would make sure we boarded the same taxi after work and for me to be dropped at home first before you continued your journey home. You were such a gem! I’m still struggling with the news that you are no more with us. Sounds so surreal but God knows best! You were a man of faith and I believe God has you in his keeping. You will be solely missed Gary and your memory is my keepsake. Thanks for being part of my life. You were a treasure and YES, you were much loved. R.I.P. Grace Brookman